Tuesday, September 30, 2008

It was around 11:30, i had just finished watching my daily dose of Big Boss...although i find those inmates half as interesting as me..[:P]...and then i was mindlessly surfing the channels until my eyes nearly drowned. I decided to go to sleep,and headed towards my bedroom...hoping that my dreams would be more interesting atleast..which is more often than not True..iske pehle ka post nahi padha kya?
My younger sis was doing some Tp on the Lappy(that's what we call our laptop)
And then she asked me whether i would want to watch 'THE EXOCISM OF EMILY ROSE'. She told me it's a scary movie based on the real life of the girl.
I denied the proposal,i was too sleepy,and (i admit here,it is not for nothing that my friends call me a scary boo) ...i m not a girl who's much into horror flicks,you see.[Thank goodness Aahat serial stopped coming][:P]
Nevermind my denial,she started to play the movie.There was a BIG dash of sleepiness,and only a hint of interest in me that time,but i don't know why i coaxed myself,widened my eyes and started to watch it...
The movie is based on a TRUE story of a girl,Emily Rose..whose body gets possessed by not one,not two...but..SIX demons!!!....
and then horrible things happen to her.
her actual spirit questions God so as to why all this is happening to her. God replies "HEAVEN IS NOT UNKNOWN TO YOUR SUFFERINGS"...
He asks her to Choose...
"You can either free your soul from your caged body ..and come to me..."
OR "you can continue to live with it..and tell the world through your sufferings...
that spirits exist,but you can overcome them by having faith in me"
Emily chooses to-stay!
and share her story...not so that people get scared..but so that they realise that demons exist,but so does God. one must have Faith in him.
Those who have seen this movie will know i'm describing the story in the most understated manner...

Her agonies shown were very disturbing,to say the least, the images kept flashing in my mind, i didn't even feel like visiting the loo alone, but i reminded myself of God...and managed to go in there[;P]..

'THERE MIGHT BE A LOT OF SUFFERINGS,BUT DONT GET SCARED;HAVE FAITH IN GOD; AND FIGHT OUT YOUR PROBLEMS' i write this here boldly to remind myself of this,and so that everyone who logs on this,atleast notices this moral...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

MY site helps me share my life experiences with my readers..which are varied from being funny,sad,love related,emotional,humanitarian etc..with all the twists that our unpredictable life gives us

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

My Adventure..come find it out with me...

There are loads of women whom i give shelter in my house, to try to protect them(dont know since when did i become such a braveheart)... Every night,one of the ladies in and around my area gets missing,and what is left is only the nighty she wears,laden exactly in the manner in which she was sleeping...no shrieks at night,no traces of blood or any other proof of struggle for that matter..so it doesn't seem like a human being somehow enters our houses and does this...and that is why we are so scandalised. This is the reason why we are try to remain together,and that is why we sleep in groups..ready to take on the culprit,if he'd be alone. We sleep taking hammer,knives,popat..(oops..sorry...slip of finger)..Polpat.or the rolling pin by which we make chapaties; under our pillows in case we get a chance to attack the attacker..
But it is way too quiet at night..so we dont get to use the stuff...And every morning,as we wake up...one of the girls is missing,her nighty..ET AL. Now we are in a state of mind that if we go to sleep,we aint sure if we would end up waking or vanishing...one by one..every lady has disappeared..and to this night..i am the only one left. I sleep,wearing jeans(nighties are not for such nights..u see)..so that I can run..if I have to..AARG!..What was i thinking!?!...They take you without the clothes...
I was shit scared..but slept,anyway...the 'sotedu' that i am..zzz
But not so much that i dont love my life..I wake up at night..suddenly,and see a big yellow train coming towards me...(how it enters my house, i have no idea)..on it are some people looking like building construction workers..only exception is that their legs are missing,and their lower parts end like that of a genie! I'm startled,frightened..Yet, i decide to run awy...
I keep running,out of the house...they keep chasing me..Yeah..I Do not Know...kabse did my speed increase so much..And i am running,so fast that I'm crossing half a mile with each step that i take..Remember KRISH- The way he steps steps from one mountain directly to another? Only this time,I outdo him..(DAMN!..if i knew..i d have taken part in the olympics..and would shine in glory like Bidra)....Anyway,Then I reach some fields,and hide behind a big,white rock...and then suddenly..a hand lifts me from behind,and places me on the same very train..since they look like dirty,normal workers (atleast from above), the optimist that i am,i tell them"Why are you doing this? Why are you troubling us? What have we done? Please leave us..God will bless you!..."... hoping that they have a change of heart with my words...BUT>>>>
Jhoom Barabar..Jhoom Barabar...Jhoooooooom..........
My mobile phone alarm rings..and i wake up!
It was a horrible,horrible dream..not unusual though..weird dreams are the usual for me..I might not be very creative,But my sub-concious mind surely is!
Ram gopal verma should ask me if he wants a Comedy-on-the-name-of-Horror Movie Ka Script...my dream was better than PhooNK atleast..i think.. I didnt have more time to contemplate..Thank God it ended..i'd not want even in my dreams to see what happens next..really.
All the running,chasing over..I started to take bath,applied bodywash,shampooed my hair..[instructions on the bottle~keep it for 2-3 min on the hair before rinsing to get soft shiny hair]...(although that never happens)..i kept it..meanwhile brushed my teeth....Nice idea naa..sad also naa..teehee.. but every min is precious in the morning..
I got ready..got late(again!)....rushed to my classes..which start at 7..by now it was 7-15...Uffo..I 'll have to hear the "Hello miss! Why are you late again?" from Katle sir...NO NO..thats' not any nickname we've given him..it's his surname!
As i entered my classroom..DITTO what i'd thought happened..i managed to make some crap..both of us knew i'd cooked it up- i gave him my trademark smile..& he let me sit for the lecture..
I walked towards my bench..I could feel all the eyes of the rest of the students resting on the benches,on me. I overlooked them all and sat on my bench,and started pretending as if i am concentrating on my lecture...After some time..the cute guy with Harry Potter looks and specs..and soft hair(not that i had touched them..but so they seemed)..Smiled at me..i blushed back[:P]
and..my mind began to wander and flutter....
"NEHA! Where's your concentration?"
I didnt know that..all i knew is where my heart was...
"Miss.NEHA--What have you been doing?"
What have i been doing?----sir ..i have faced ghosts,braved hurdles,mountains,trains to face your face..and face the lecture..or rather..bear it..[i only said this to him in my mind]..